
10 Symptoms of Stomach Flu

10 Symptoms of Stomach Flu

Gastroenteritis commonly known as stomach flu is a very common problem where the stomach lining gets irritated or inflamed. Vomiting and diarrhea are the two major symptoms of Stomach flu.

A parasite, virus or bacteria are responsible for stomach flu. In adult Americans, norovirus is what causes stomach flu. It has been observed that most stomach flu cases occur during the winter and rainy season as the virus is mightiest then. This flu is highly contagious hence avoid getting in contact with others and practice basic hygiene.


Diarrhea occurs at a greater frequency than normal bowel movements. It usually indicates the indigestion of food before a bowel movement. Diarrhea also indicates an imbalance in nutrient absorption. During stomach flu work on balancing the nutrition and drink plenty of water.

#2 Cramps in Abdomen

Due to inflammation of the stomach lining abdominal cramps are experienced. Inflamed lining causes cramping and discomfort along with frequent bowel movements due to the indigestion of food.

Gases and bloating also worsen the abdominal cramps and does not subside even after visiting the loo.


Nausea is caused due to the irritated stomach lining. The inflammation causes bile build up which causes a nausea like feeling and the patient feels like throwing up. It is the most common symptom of stomach flu.


In patients suffering from stomach flu, vomiting frequently occurs. The inflamed stomach lining makes it difficult to for the stomach to hold the fluids or food down. During the initial days of infection, the stomach flu is recognized due to the frequent vomiting.

Due to the bile build up in the stomach the patient vomits whenever they eat and also if they avoid eating. Drinking small amounts of electrol water is the best thing to do during the stomach flu.


Immune responses are responsible for fever. It means the body’s immune system is fighting very hard with the pathogens responsible for stomach flu and a high temperature is proof of it.


Fever and headache are often found accompany each other. Due to fever the body has a high temperature which directly causes the blood vessels to dilate hence the pressure in the head increases.

Feeling of a pounding head and immense heaviness of the head and neck is experienced during the stomach flu.

#7- Extreme Tiredness

Fatigue is a very common symptom experienced by patients of stomach flu. It is not similar to the feeling of not having enough rest but is more like extreme lethargy. It feels like not even a single ounce of strength is left to carry out an activity.

This symptom can persist long after the stomach flu is gone and the body will take time to regain all the strength back.

#8-Respiratory Infections

During the flu, many time people think it’s the cold. This is because of the fact that the stomach flu virus attacks the upper and lower respiratory tracts as well.

A runny nose and cough are common during the stomach flu. Due to infections in the nose and throat and itchy throat also starts irritating the patient. But these symptoms subside as soon as the flu gets treated.

#9-Ear infection

Yes, the ear is not left behind in the stomach flu adventures. Thank fully they are not too serious and subside soon.

Ear infections during the stomach flu can cause the person to have difficulty in hearing. The aural canals get inflamed during the infection. Dizziness and vertigo are also experienced.


Pneumonia is infection of the upper respiratory system and develops due to the fact you are already under the flu attack.

It can be fatal if left untreated hence any blood mucus, chest pains or excessive coughing should be reported quickly to a doctor.

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