
10 Easy DIY Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Whether it is oily or dry, both types of skin can be really troublesome at times. Dry skin is generally hereditary, but also most of the times is caused by extreme weather conditions too. Tackling with dry skin can be really tough as it can result in flakiness or roughness of skin inspite of religious and consistent use of moisturizers.

This can result in itching of skin, which has adverse effects on skin. Generally there are an array of off the counter medicines and lotions available to combat dryness of skin. But most of the times that option is not viable economically or for other various reasons.

So, here are 10 ways in which you can treat dry skin by easy DIY homemade remedies.

1. Cucumber and Honey Mask

You will need-
• 1 small cucumber pure
• 1 teaspoon honey
• Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face
• Leave it for 15 minutes
• Wash it with cold water
• Cucumber helps in cooling the skin and honey helps in retaining the moisture.

2.  Banana and Yogurt Mask

You will need-
• 1 ripe banana
• 1 spoon yogurt
• Mash the banana and add yogurt. Mix thoroughly and form paste.
• Apply evenly on the affected area or face and leave it for 10 minutes
• Wash with cold water.
• Banana has many properties that help skin rejuvenate and yogurt makes the skin supple.

3. Coconut oil/ Olive Oil Scrub

You will need-
• 2 spoons of preferred oil
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 1 teaspoon rose water
• Mix all the ingredients together and refrigerate for 10 minutes
• Apply the above mixture in upward circulae motions and scrub gently.
• Wash it after 5 minutes
• Oil moisturizes the skin
• Sugar acts as an exfoliator
• Rose water retains the softness of the skin

4. Aloe vera Gel

You will need-
•  2 spoons Aloevera gel
• 1 spoon honey
• Mix both the ingredients to make a fine paste
• Apply and leave it for 10 minutes.
• Wash it after 10 minutes with cold water.
• Aloevera is considered the best remedy for dry skin.

5. Cold milk

You will need-
• Cold milk
• Apply cold milk on the face, in circular motions and leave it for 10 minutes
• Wash it once dry , with cold water.
• One of the easiest remedy, milk helps in exfoliating the skin thereby maintaining the pH balance.

6. Petroleum Jelly

You will need-
• Petroleum Jelly
• 1 teaspoon rose water ( if required)
• Mix petroleum jelly and rose water, if you feel the need
• Apply vigorously on the affected areas.
• Petroleum jelly is one of the best moisturizers available, which helps keep skin hydrated for longer periods of time.

7. Gram Flour Face Pack

You will need-
• 1 tablespoon gram flour
• 1 teaspoon milk
• 1 teaspoon rose water
• 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
• Mix all the ingredients and make a fine paste.
• Apply on the face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
• Rinse it off with cold water.
• Gram flour acts as a cleanser. Milk and rose water help the skin to remain hydrated for longer time thus preventive dryness.

8. Chandan Face Pack

You will need-
• 1 spoon sandalwood powder
• 1 teaspoon rose water
• Pinch of turmeric
• Water if required.
• Mix all the ingredients and form a paste
• Apply and let it dry for 15-20 minutes
• Rinse off with warm water.
• Chandan / sandalwood has many anti ageing properties. It also helps fights a condition of extreme dryness of skin known as eczema.

9. Egg Yolk Pack

You will need-
• 1 egg yolk
• 1 spoon rose water
• 1 spoon honey
• 1 spoon lime juice
• Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face
• Let it dry for 10 minutes
• Rinse it with lukewarm water
• Egg yolk helps in moisturizing the skin. Along with rose water, lemon, and honey, this face pack has all the properties to make your skin supple.

10. Vitamin E capsules

You will need-
• Vitamin capsules
•  2 spoons Olive oil
• Cut open the vitamin capsules and add it to olive oil.
• Apply on the face and massage gently.
• Rinse with lukewarm water after 10 minutes.
• Vitamin E helps in protection of skin against harmful UV rays. Also making it less prone to flakiness and irritation.
Apart from all the above home remedies, there are certain basic tips to combat and prevent dry skin.
1. Avoid taking showers with extremely hot water.
2. Keep yourself hydrated most of the times, also the skin needs to be kept moisturized at all times.
3. Special care needs to be taken in extreme weather conditions
4. Vitamin supplements like Vitamin C and Vitamin E need to be included in diet.

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